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No Title 2409

Supplement to “Natural Competitors”


Environmentalist and naturalist John Muir once said, “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” One way to squeeze more enjoyment out of a nature hike is to understand and identify the forestry that lines the trail. How well do you know your Kentucky trees? Although these trees may be found in many parts of Kentucky, they prefer and thrive in particular areas. Match the following type of trees with the best definition of where they can be found:

American beech
Bur oak
Bald cypress
Chestnut oak
Eastern red cedar

1. This tree thrives in western Kentucky bottomlands because it grows well in water-soaked, low-oxygen soils, and can actually grow out in the water.

2. This tree grows well in clay soil and open grassy areas. It is often planted in prairie grasslands.

3. This tree likes wet soil and prefers the edges of streams, lakes, and the flood plains next to rivers.

4. This tree is commonly found in the Appalachian region on dry soil and rocky ridges.

5. This tree is among the first species to grow in old fields and pastures. They prefer full sun and are good at holding soil in place.

6. This tree grows along the eastern and northern slopes of the Appalachian Mountains, often in the shade of taller trees.

Source: Questions and answers provided by the Kentucky Division of Forestry

1. Bald cypress
2. Bur oak
3. Sycamore
4. Chestnut oak
5. Eastern red cedar
6. American beech


Before you enjoy your next hike, find photos and other information about Kentucky’s trees online:

University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture

National Arbor Day Foundation
Click on “What Tree is That?” or “Tree Guide.”

The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, Forest Resources Research Center

To read the Kentucky Living September 2010 feature that goes along with this supplement, go to Natural Competitors.

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