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Supplement to “Farmer-Soldiers”

To learn more about how Americans and Kentuckians are promoting sustainable farming practices in Afghanistan, go online to
and click on “Agricultural Development Teams” under Featured Topics.

According to the site, there are now 12 agricultural teams dispersed throughout Afghanistan. With stories organized by states, scroll down the page to “Kentucky” to read 14 stories about projects the Kentucky team has been working on. You can read more about Sgt. Jo Lisa Ashley’s honeybee project with the women of Afghanistan or how Army Col. Mike D. Farley and his team help Afghans improve productivity.

In particular, you might enjoy these stories:
Kentucky ADT teaches benefits of grape trellis at Dashtak demo farm
Kentucky ADT helps Afghan fish farmer apply for grant
Kentucky ADT, Roots of Peace sow seeds for Afghanistan
How Sweet it Is (Sgt. Jo Lisa Ashley’s beekeeping project)
Kentucky ADT helps Afghan farmers reach new markets (Col. Mike Farley and Lt. Col. Toby Peterson)
Kentucky Guardsmen help Afghanistan grow (Col. Mike Farley)

You can also watch several videos about Kentucky’s ADT missions or programs, with links located at the top right on the Web site. The Kentucky ADT educates villagers in such areas as growing watermelons and green beans, increasing their production of potatoes and onions, teaching Afghan women to set up beekeeping businesses, or building water reservoirs and cold storage rooms.

Check out these videos:
Kentucky ADT helps Afghan farmers grow more
Kentucky ADT’s Circle of Life farm
Kentucky ADT educates villagers
Combat Beekeepers

There are also photo galleries on the Web site covering the ADT’s missions.

You can also read about this and other Kentucky ADT groups in Afghanistan by going online to Search for keywords “KY ADT” or “KY ADT II” to read posts and see photos.

To read the Kentucky Living January 2011 feature that goes along with this supplement, go to Farmer-Soldiers.

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