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Buying fruit trees

Karen Asked

I’m interested in planting apple and peach trees in Anderson County near Lawrenceburg. I read the attached article from University of Kentucky about selecting the right apple trees for Kentucky. I picked some out. My problem – where can I buy these trees? I’ve looked online and only located a couple (and they were expensive). Where did UK get the ones they tested, I wonder? I wrote the author of the article but didn’t hear back. Any ideas?

The Gardener’s Answer

Hi, Karen: Fruit trees are a treat to have in the home garden. It is an investment and choosing disease resistant options from a reputable source is key to success. Larger trees are more expensive, but they are older and will start producing fruit sooner than a younger tree. There is a tradeoff. As far as locating the trees to purchase, some garden centers will take special orders as long as the growers have them for purchase. They may not carry a specific tree but have the ability to get them. You can contact the Anderson County Cooperative Extension to ask about options in Anderson County. Stark Bro’s Nursery and Ty Ty Nursery are both reputable online sources. I hope this is helpful.

Angie Oakley

Kentucky Living-Ask the Gardener

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