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When Is The Best Time To Cut Evergreen Shrubs Back?

Willard Asked

When is the best time to cut evergreen shrubs back?

The Gardener’s Answer

Hello, Willard: I am not sure what evergreen shrubs you are growing and they have different time requirements in terms of pruning, so here is some general information. Evergreens are separated into two different categories, narrow-leaved and broad-leaved species. Most evergreens shrubs are pruned during the late winter or early spring. Flowering evergreen shrubs should be pruned after they have finished blooming. Drastic pruning is not recommended for most evergreens because they cannot replace lost growth in the same way that deciduous plants can, so easy does it when it comes time to prune. Prune out dead or diseased branches as soon as you notice them any time of the year. If you are growing evergreen topiaries, they may require more frequent, light pruning to keep them in shape. Older plants with dead lower branches will benefit from being thinned. This will allow more light to penetrate through the plant. Pruning can be done to thin, shape, as well as rejuvenate our plants, but most evergreens will require little to no pruning if planted in a location where they can grow to a mature size. When the time arrives to prune, make sure your tool is clean and sharp.

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