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Pruning roses

Gloria Asked

What month do I prune my roses in the spring?

The Gardener’s Answer

Hi, Gloria:  The best time to prune roses in Kentucky is late winter/early spring before new growth begins. The purpose of pruning is to maintain size and invigorate older plants. Dead, diseased or crossing canes can be removed anytime of the year. Pruning encourages new growth, this new growth is tender enough to be burned by winter temperatures, so pruning during dormancy will help prevent winter injury. Do not remove more than one-third of the size of the rose during a single pruning session. Do this year after year to maintain the size you want. Use a clean, sharp, and rust-free pair of pruners. Make your cuts flush to the nearest intersecting branch so there are no stubs. Roses are heavy feeders and will benefit from added nutrients. Apply a well-balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) throughout the growing season. Follow product recommended application rates.  

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