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Can I plant tomatoes and green beans in April with the rest of my garden?

Douglas Asked

Can I plant tomatoes and green beans in April with the rest of my garden?

The Gardener’s Answer

The soil is warming as the temperatures begin to rise and soon it will be time to plant warm season crops like tomatoes and green beans. The average frost-free date for the Louisville area is May 10.

Preparing the soil is an important first step in any successful vegetable garden. Ideally this space would be south-facing so that it receives plenty of sunshine. The soil should be fertile and well-drained. The pH should be between 6.2 and 6.8. If you have not had your soil tested, you can do this through the Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Service. The results will indicate if you need to amend your soil with any fertilizer or lime.

Each crop has its own planting season and both tomatoes and green beans are crops for the summer garden. If you’re interested in extending the growing season, you can plant cool-season crops like broccoli, peas, cauliflower, green onions, and lettuce/greens in the spring and again in the fall.

For detailed information on vegetable gardening in Kentucky, click here. Happy planting!

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