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Send us your Scary Stories

Here’s your chance to get published in Kentucky Living. In October we’ll print some of the best ghost stories sent in by readers. In November we’ll print the best pet stories.

For October we’re looking for your favorite scary Halloween stories, fact or fiction (tell us which it is). The deadline for us to receive those stories is Friday, July 26.

For November we’re looking for your favorite funny or touching true story about a pet. The deadline for us to receive those stories is Friday, August 23.

If we publish your story we will send you one of our fancy Kentucky Living ink pens.

Keep your stories less than 150 words, and include your name, address, phone number, and the name of your electric co-op. We’ll choose the stories that, in our opinion, are the most interesting and fun to read, and we’ll print as many as we have room for.

Send your stories through the Postal Service to Ghost Stories or Pet Stories, Kentucky Living, P.O. Box 32170, Louisville, KY 40232, or e-mail to

Power plant moratorium lifted

After nearly a year Governor Patton has ended the freeze on construction of new power plants.
Patton imposed the moratorium last June after two dozen power plant applications flooded the state. Most of those applications fell into a legal category that allowed them to avoid the normal regulatory approvals. This past spring the legislature closed that loophole, moving Patton to let the permitting process resume.

The projects in question are “merchant power plants.” What makes merchant plants different is that instead of being built by a utility to serve its customers, they are built by speculators hoping to make a profit selling electricity to the highest bidder.

The main cause for concern over the merchant plants was that they weren’t subject to the same regulatory approval process as utilities. But earlier this year, after much debate, the legislature approved a siting board giving the state more control over the plants. Under the new law the board can consider environmental, economic, and community concerns for proposed merchant plants.

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