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Why they need to go


  • Targeting. Neighbors, family members, or individuals with addiction disorders target people with unused opioid prescriptions. It’s possible for a family with a drug use disorder to steal an opioid supply or a drug-seeking individual to burglarize a home in pursuit of prescriptions.
  • The temptation to use. People are prone to self-prescribe a leftover opioid or keep on hand for later use. Opioids are highly addictive, deadly substances and should not be treated as over-the-counter drugs.
  • Protecting young people. Opioids in the home are a major threat to children and adolescents. Keeping opioids in the households increases the chances of a tragic accident. Every year, nearly 12,000 children or teens mistakenly take an opioid.

Adolescents initially use opioids as “party” drugs, or sell them, but quickly become addicted as they lack the inhibition to resist taking the drug.

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