Democracy in action

Co-ops belong to and are led by their members
AS KENTUCKIANS VOTE in the midterm election this month, we place our trust in the people whose names are on the ballot. Who will best represent our interests in the county courthouse, the General Assembly and in Congress?
Each of us brings our own set of beliefs and motivations to the ballot box. As the president of the nonpartisan statewide association of all 26 electric cooperatives in Kentucky, it’s not my place to advocate for any party or candidate. It is my place and my duty, however, to advocate for you and all co-op consumer-members across the commonwealth.
Because you and your neighbors own your local electric cooperative, and because you and your neighbors democratically elect your co-op’s board of directors, your co-op is your consumer advocate. Your co-op answers only to its local members, not to any out-of-town corporate shareholders or special interest groups.
Co-ops are committed to improving the quality of life in the communities we serve. Your co-op joins forces with other co-ops to advocate for reliable electric service at the lowest possible price. I wouldn’t think that this mission would be controversial, but believe it or not, some groups would sacrifice electric reliability or affordability for their own aims and agendas. We pledge to continue to advocate for your interests in Frankfort and in Washington, D.C., engaging with policymakers and regulators regardless of their party or position.
In that spirit, I encourage you to review our questions and the replies from U.S. Senate candidates. Co-ops are very concerned about how government policies affect the end consumer. Far too often, policies are written and enacted with little if any regard for how they affect the people at the end of the line.
I encourage you to check out which has links to the Co-ops Vote portal for information on polling dates, hours and locations, and the candidates on the ballot. Make sure your voice is heard on November 8 and we will make sure your voice is heard year-round.