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What Can I Spray My Potatoes With To Keep The…

John Asked

What can I spray my potatoes with to keep the bugs off?

The Gardener’s Answer

Hello, John: Here in Kentucky we can grow potatoes as an early crop or a late crop; either way they are fun and easy to grow and well worth the effort. Potatoes are subject to a few different aboveground insects as opposed to the insects that live in the soil. The most common insects that affect the foliage are aphids, leafhoppers, flea beetles, hornworms, and Colorado potato beetles. It is important to first identify the culprit and then take action. Taking a sample to your County Cooperative Extension Service or to a knowledgeable staff member at your local garden center will be beneficial in identifying the insect. For pictures and more information on each of these insects visit
. You may be able to identify the insect from these pictures since they are all very different in appearance except for the beetles. Unfortunately I cannot give you specific control recommendations not knowing what we are dealing with. The Clinton County offices are located at 2601 N. Highway 127. Their phone number is 387-5404. The agriculture/horticulture agent(s) will be able to identify the insect and give you control recommendations specifically for the insect you are dealing with.

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