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What can I use to kill grass, but not my vegetables?

David Asked

Went on vacation and came back and grass has taken over my vegetable garden. What can I spray on the grass to kill it without killing the vegetables.?

The Gardener’s Answer

Hi, David: All it takes is a few days away from the garden and the weeds invade. These fast-growing plants compete for sunlight and nutrients needed for optimal crop production. If left alone, they can also create a nice space for unwanted insects and disease to thrive. Hand pulling is the best option at this stage of growth. This is much easier done with a hand tool and recently soaked soil. A 2-3 inch layer of mulch is also helpful at keeping the weeds at bay. If you choose to use an herbicide be sure to have the weed identified first. Each product is labeled for specific weed control. Corn gluten is a great option for eliminating future weeds. It won’t do anything for the existing ones but it will prevent seeds from germinating. I hope this is helpful and enjoy your veggies!

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