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Meet the financial experts

Bob Crawford  Baird 


“I attended the University of Kentucky in the early ’80s and have been in financial services ever since. One thing I love about it is being able to help people achieve goals and keep up with their investments, and the fact that they can look back and tell you, ‘That worked out great.’ It’s proven over time that financial advisors help people avoid mistakes and achieve their goals. There’s a temptation for people who are trying to do it on their own to get caught up in headlines and lack perspective that a financial advisor can help them with.”  

Mark Henderson  

Hamburg Financial Group  

“My top advice for navigating uncertainty is that we don’t want to make a drastic move. You don’t want to make a knee jerk reaction. We want to look at and reinforce the goals that you have, your temperance toward the volatility, etc. And we want to make sure that the plan that we put in place is something that you’re going to be able to navigate during the good times and the bad times … [and that it is] performing the way we anticipated. And if it’s not, then we need to make some changes strategically to get us back on track to what we had initially anticipated.”  

Dave Winebrenner  

Winebrenner Financial Services 

“I enjoy spending time with real investors to help them understand and to help them feel like they’ve got a plan for the future. Most people absolutely don’t plan to fail in the future; they really just fail to plan, and they sort of just wander through life. You know, Albert Einstein was a pretty smart fellow. And when asked the question about what’s the most powerful force in the universe, he said, ‘Compound interest.’ Having a financial advisor to start early, especially when you don’t have much money to save, is exceedingly important in this complex world.”  

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