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Generating safety

A GENERATOR CAN BE THE KEY to your survival during a storm, but small portable generators pose risks homeowners need to guard against: carbon monoxide poisoning, electrocution or electric shock, and fire. 

Generator engines usually burn gasoline or other liquid fuels, producing carbon monoxide, which can lead to incapacitation or death. To prevent carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning, keep generators outdoors, not in a garage or any partially enclosed area. Keep it away from doors, windows and vents, and position it and its exhaust away from your home and downwind, if possible. Install CO detectors in central locations on every level of your home and outside sleeping areas. 

To help prevent fire and burn injury when using a generator, store extra fuel in an American National Standards Institute-approved container. Keep the container in a cool, well-ventilated place away from fuel-burning appliances. 

Before refueling your generator, turn it off and let it cool. Gasoline spilled on hot engine parts could ignite.

Electrocution or electric shock 

To help avoid the risk of electrocution, do not use a generator in rainy or wet conditions. It’s also important to not handle the generator with wet hands to avoid electric shock. 

Before plugging appliances or electronics into your generator, make sure it is sized appropriately for the total electric load you want it to run. Make sure the cords all fit appropriately and are undamaged. 

To keep utility workers, neighbors and those in your household from electrocution dangers, never plug your generator directly into your home’s wiring. “Backfeeding” sends power from the generator throughout your house in reverse and can even feed onto your electric utility’s power lines. Workers attempting to restore power might unexpectedly encounter this high voltage, which could cause fatal shock. To prevent a backfeed, have a professional install a transfer switch if you want your generator to run your home’s electrical system during an outage.

Generator Dos and Don’ts

  • DO operate a generator outdoors in an area with plenty of ventilation. 
  • DO install carbon monoxide alarms inside the home to warn of carbon monoxide. 
  • DO turn on the generator before plugging in appliances. 
  • DO turn off the generator before refueling with gasoline to allow it to cool down. 
  • DO use a heavy-duty, outdoor-rated extension cord rated at least equal to the sum of the connected appliances. 
  • DO consult the owner’s manual for your generator for specific safety instructions. 
  • DO NOT plug a generator into the wall without installing a transfer switch to prevent backfeed. 
  • DO NOT touch the generator with wet hands to avoid electrocution. 
  • DO NOT overload the generator. 
  • DO NOT use a generator as a permanent solution. 

Source: ESFI,

DUSTIN SKAGGS is Safety Coordinator at Fleming-Mason Energy.

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