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Resilient cooperative communities

AS AN ELECTRICAL ENGINEER and electric cooperative leader, I have a healthy obsession with preventive maintenance. The reliability and efficiency of the entire system rest on a systematic approach to inspecting, servicing and repairing critical components before they fail, akin to changing the oil in a car before the engine seizes. 

But do we have as much appreciation for the importance of early cancer detection? Routine screenings and self-exams are our grid inspections, ensuring that we catch glitches in our health infrastructure before they lead to power outages. 

Our Kentucky Electric Cooperatives Board was pleased to welcome University of Kentucky President Eli Capilouto to a recent meeting. He joined us fresh off the announcement that the UK Markey Cancer Center has been designated a National Cancer Institute Comprehensive Cancer Center as a result of its excellence in cancer treatment, diagnosis and prevention. 

We appreciate the Markey Cancer Center’s dedication to our Kentucky communities, and we share in Dr. Capilouto’s optimism that this designation will help patients gain access to innovative treatments and clinical trials, and ultimately better health outcomes. 

As Dr. Capilouto reminded our board, both UK and Kentucky’s electric cooperatives share a commitment to the people we serve. We appreciate the experts from UK HealthCare who contribute to Kentucky Living and we look forward to future collaboration to improve the quality of life in Kentucky.

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