Alternative evergreen

Try this globe-shaped arborvitae
FOLLOWING THE SEVERE WINTER damage to boxwoods in December 2022, I am seeing a lot of hesitation among gardeners to plant boxwoods as extensively as they have in the past. This opens the opportunity for using other small evergreens that may have been underused or overlooked because of the popularity of boxwoods.
One such alternative is the globe arborvitae Fire Chief. This almost perfectly globe-shaped evergreen is slow growing and eventually matures to only 3 or 4 feet tall and wide. It prefers to grow in full sun but tolerates a little shade. Plant it in average well-drained soil, but avoid areas that are particularly dry.
In the spring and summer, Fire Chief has bright gold foliage with a green undertone, and in the fall the foliage turns a deep red that persists but becomes slightly duller in winter. The foliage may visually appear sharp or prickly, but it is soft to the touch, making it suitable around walkways and steps.
Globe arborvitae Fire Chief is not prone to insect or disease problems and requires little maintenance. These evergreens look good planted singly, in a row, as a border or as a grouping, and they can stand on their own as a foundation planting. Their winter color really shines if they are planted in front of a dark green backdrop. Fire Chief is a great alternative to boxwood, with the bonus of a year-round pop of color in your landscape.