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Pothos varieties make low-maintenance houseplants 

EVERY TREND STARTS SOMEWHERE, and houseplant trends start with “tried-and-true” varieties. When we get bored with these staples or commonly available houseplants, we seek something new, different or rare. New or rare does not always equal better, especially if you value characteristics like low-maintenance, hardiness and adaptability. 

Golden and jade pothos (Epipremnum aureum) have been great common houseplants since at least the 1970s. There are reasons they are still popular and readily available: They are easy to grow, forgiving in less-than-optimal growth environments like our homes and they look good even when under stress. These are the three requirements for any houseplant in my home. 

Ideally, pothos likes bright but not direct light, grows best with regular watering, can tolerate dry soils for some time and doesn’t require much fertilization. It is a vine—when given a structure to grow on, it will climb. Without a structure, it will cascade or hang down. 

If you are into houseplant or tropical plant collecting, you may want to try pothos Cebu Blue. It has a unique bluish color, more narrow and pointier leaves, and it’s not so rare that it’s impossible to find. It is not quite as forgiving as golden and jade pothos, so give it adequate light and moisture. It needs to be in or near a window or your best interior growing spot, not on your bookshelf in a dark corner. 

I like to try new plants, but I will always have my tried-and-true varieties. I have had golden and jade pothos, as well as a hoya, for many years now. They look as good as the day I got them, and it certainly is a testament to the plant because they have been growing beautifully with minimal effort on my part.

SHELLY NOLD is a horticulturist and owner of The Plant Kingdom. Send stories and ideas to her at The Plant Kingdom, 4101 Westport Road, Louisville, KY 40207 

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