The fundamentals of caring

Play ball
“They can always hear a smile,” says Cheryl Hall, a customer services representative with Clark Energy Cooperative since 2018. “I love people, and the nicer I am, the nicer they are. They can tell when I’m smiling.”
That attitude comes in handy after work as well when Cheryl hits the softball or baseball diamond. Cheryl played softball until eighth grade and now coaches softball for kids ages 8–16 and assists the baseball coaches. Her two children, Hana, 13, and Bub, 8, both play the game.

Clark Energy Cooperative’s Cheryl Hall, left, talks with her players during a softball game. Photo: Hope Branham
“I try to teach them the fundamentals and to love the game,” says Cheryl. “I love the kids, and seeing them improve. When you play the game right, you will love the game. It’s not always how fast you can run or how hard you can hit. It’s about accuracy, too.”
Meeting basic needs
Cindy Wilson, a collections coordinator for Jackson Energy Cooperative, joined with other members of her community to volunteer for the Jackson County Cancer Fund so they could meet local needs.
“We wanted to make sure that money raised in our community went to needs in our community,” Cindy says.
The group held several fundraisers and then started using those funds at the point of need. They focused on buying gift cards that people could redeem for basic needs such as food and gasoline. They also paid bills for necessities such as utilities.
During the organization’s Festival of Hope, people can buy luminaries to honor those who have died or those who are battling cancer. They focus on a type of cancer each year and help those with that disease.
“There is no better feeling than the one you get from helping somebody,” Cindy says. “The people here are wonderful, and I love meeting them.”
DEBRA GIBSON ISAACS writes on cooperative employees giving back to their communities.